Dealership Marketing

Mobile Marketing For Your Automobile Business: Nay Or Here To Stay?

The key to stimulating your auto dealership sales is to evolve its operations and stay current with the fast-paced times. Online marketing may have reigned the business charts as one of the quintessential marketing hacks, but it’s just gone a step further. Today, mobile applications are a dominant form of digital […]

The Mobile Marketing Game Is On: Where’s The Automotive Industry?

How often have you picked up your mobile, opened an app, and searched for a product? Twice a day, or more, perhaps? If you’re so prone to using your mobile, do you think your customers will lag behind? Of course not! As an automotive dealer, you might think that people would […]

Are Customers Moving Away From Your App? Fix This Retention Problem Now!

With a foolproof app idea like yours, acquiring the 100, 1000, 10000 users might have been a breeze. But how many of your initial customers remain loyal to your brand over time? According to this Kissmetrics study, it is 61% likely that in case you are unable to enthrall your users, […]

How to Hook Millennials to Your Automobile Service

Millennials are the generation that reach adulthood after the year 2000. As you can imagine, they are a tech-savvy bunch, better equipped and more intuitive to online shopping, searching deals and gathering information on automobile services online. This proficiency in using mobile technology to research purchases means there is now a […]